Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Seeing Traveling in a Different Light

As I come away from a great weekend in Houston with my family, I can’t help but continue to feel so broken & torn to pieces over the sex trafficking industry. As we drive down I-10, I see car after car, girl after girl, woman after woman, man after man… All the unknowns flood my mind; the questions of “where are they from, do they know where they’re going, do they know who they are with, is it by choice, do they need help?” As we moved into the city, passing cheap motels, salons, massage parlors, foreign restaurants, etc. I find myself looking around at all these places & their parking lots, at the cars & wonder if the workers or people within are being trafficked. Are they victims? As we enjoy our trip & walk around the outlet malls and go about our own business, I see young girls & young women everywhere; foreigners & Americans; black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Chinese, German, all races… I wonder, are they trapped, are they victims, are they okay, are they here alone, are they being manipulated or deceived?

Everywhere I go, every person I see, I find myself looking deeper now. I find myself truly wanting to know who these people are & where they come from. God has completely transformed my way of thinking & my perspective on people. I’m learning a new way of caring about people & loving them. God’s continuing to place these burning desires & passions deep within me. It’s like I’m a whole new person. I cry at the thought of injustice. I burn with a broken heart for those deceived & trapped in a world they did not choose or want for themselves. I question & I ache asking why our government & law enforcement can’t, or won’t do more about it. We have the resources, but we choose to see it as less important. By this transformation & this concern, this is how I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that this is what I’m called to.

Although, this is a fact that I’m having to learn, through my own faith, that ultimately, our Father is still in control. When I question Him & hurt because He hasn’t snapped His fingers & allowed me to pick up & go work with these women & children right now, on my time table, I know & I believe His timing is perfect. He is preparing me & the road that I am to travel when He’s ready to send me. Until then, I must be persistent & patient even when I feel like I’m helpless right now. He is faithful & He will bring me to the point of being a voice for the helpless.

Praise God, our world is becoming more aware of this issue. I truly believe He is rising up a generation that has a heart & desire to see the voiceless & hopeless restored.

Please continue to pray for me as I continue on this journey & seek the Father’s every step & plan for my life.

“For we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus

For Good works, which God prepared

Beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

-Ephesians 2:10

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